Blunt Objects Theatre

"The form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all."
                                                                                      -Oscar Wilde

The Cast of Betty Sue's Hulahoop Dance Number! 

Colin Fewell is all too familiar with foolishness.  He owes everything to his parents, and even more to his friends who have so much patience with him. 

Carrie Graham is a dirty old cat man located on the South Side of Chicago.  Her hobbies include petting her cat, staring out the window with binoculars, and keeping the vomit down.  She graduated with a B.A. in Theatre from Loyola University Chicago, and the second saddest day of her life was when her childhood dog, Sandy, died of kidney failure in 2002. 

Bohrs Hoff is a strange man who spends his Saturdays on a pirate ship and the rest of the week shelving books.  He still lives walking distance from Loyola Chicago, his Alma Mater, where he directed Shakespeare's King John and acted in such awesome shows as Lonesome West, Mnemonic, and one of hundreds simultaneous world premieres of The Laramie Project Epilogue: Ten Years Later.  He enjoys stimulating conversation, biting, and Sergio Leone movies.  He is trying harder every day to not loathe musicals as a genre.

Andrew Paredes is as excited as all heck to be involved in this Blunt Objects Theatre production.  He is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago, where he studied theatre and performed in such shows as Guys and Dolls, The Good Woman of Setzuan, and the Midwest premiere of Complicite's Mnemonic.  When he isn't acting a fool on stage, Andrew slings smoothies to rich folks to keep his electricity on.  The time in between is spent "chillaxin with his buds."  His biggest shame is that he is Mexican... and doesn't speak Spanish. 

You probably find yourself asking: who else would involve themselves in such a silly business?

Tom Foran

Kelly Malone

Ben Tomaiuolo

These people are, 

from time to time, 

Blunt Objects Theatre.

Bohrs Hoff

 Keith Paul

Mandy Weiss

These friends also get into the mix when they can:

Atra Asdou

Jeremy Garfinkel

Chris Genovese

Mimi Hong

Seth Koproski

Krista Krauss

Pat Murphy

Bryan Swormstedt

Kaela Whitaker

and the list is growing!

If you want to join our ranks, tour with us, or in any way get involved, feel free to contact us!

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