Blunt Objects Theatre

If you can't do it yourself, we can do it together.

                                                                       -Emily Byram


One of our long term goals with this company is to network DIY communities and establish a theatre circuit where other small companies can easily find venues.  This page is a  small  step towards that goal, and will be updated as often as we are able to do so.  Some of the links on this page are already doing a better job at it, to be perfectly honest.  But we're working on it.

Right now it's mostly just so we can share with you all these people and groups that we think are cool and exciting, and who otherwise help us feel a little bit less alone in a threatening world.  Some of them are similar to us, some of them aren't.  Some of them are our friends, some of them don't even know we exist.  Give them a look and have fun exploring the internets!

And, of course, there are our mandatory Fakebook and MyShpache branches that seem to be sadly necessary these days for communicating with nice people in distant places.  We also have a Flickr page for pretty pictures!

See something missing?  Tell us!



Andrew Jackson Jihad - honest and amazing musicians from Phoenix, AZ.

Asian Man Records - nice people who make some pretty awesome music, based out of California.

John Basinger - friend and performance artist who has memorized and performs the entirety of John Milton's Paradise Lost.  Even the boring parts.

Bated Breath - theatre company from CT which fuses many different theatrical media together.

Hakim Bey, a.k.a. Peter Lamborn Wilson - ontological anarchist writer.  All his writings are available online for free.  Very, very interesting stuff, worth reading.

The Borg Ward Collective - a badass art space and community collective in Milwaukee.

Connecticut DIY Shows - an excellent tribe of punk rawk warriors from the Waterbury/Naugatuck area of Connecticut.  They put on great shows with great bands and we're glad they exist!

Contemporary Anarchist Studies - education about chaos!

Crafty Records - nice people who make pretty awesome music from Brooklyn.

Dead Man's Carnival - really fun vaudeville cabaret burlesque circus musical magicians from Milwaukee.

DIY Bandits - revolutionaries from southern Connecticut.

Do DIY USA - a network attempting to link different scenes in different cities.

The Dresden Dolls - Brechtian punk cabaret from Boston.

The Gacy Hole - awesome punk house off Chicago's Pink Line.

Gorilla Tango Theatre - Chicago theatre that helps local artists produce tons of fun and unique shows.

HartBeat Ensemble - community building theatrical social activists from Hartford.

J. Dee Hill - Texan journalist and author whose book, Freaks & Fire: the Underground Reinvention of the Circus, is an excellent snapshot of what we want to be when we grow up.

John Holloway - Irish revolutionary associated with EZLN in southern Mexico.  He wrote a fascinating book called Change the World Without Taking Power that you can read for free online.

If You Make It - DIY films and musics.  Very fun stuff, mostly plugged into the folk punk scene.

Insurgent Theatre - DIY punk-style radical theatre friends of ours.  We first met them in Milwaukee, but they have since relocated themselves to Columbus, OH.  Check em out!

Michael Muhammad Knight - radical Muslim anarchist writer, most famous for his novel The Taqwacores, which inspired the creation of a real-life Islamic punk rock scene.

Mess Hall - another really great community/art space in Roger's Park, Chicago.

The Missoula Oblongata - Awesome DIY spectacle shows full of mystery and fun, originally from Montana but now spread out all over the place.

O'Neill Theater Center - brilliant work from New London, CT.

Plan-It-X Records - the undisputed capital of the DIY folk punk world, from Bloomington.

Project: Theater - exciting new work from New York.

Puppet Uprising - underground puppetry networking group and performers, based out of Philadelphia.

Quote Unquote Records - bad-assery from Long Island, by Jeff Rosenstock of Bomb the Music Industry! and The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches, in the form of the world's first completely donation-based record label.

Redmoon Theater - the largest puppet company in the country, located in Chicago.

The Republic of Parlor Games - a puppetry collective made up of friends of ours based out of NYC.  The work they make is the future.  It.  Is.  Awesome.

Riot Folk - a musical collective of folk punk revolutionaries striving for honest living, based out of Boston.

Rough House - A cool little theatre space that rents out for performance rehearsals and reasonable rates in Chicago.

Showbeast - crazy and hilarious puppet TV show in the Internet which our comrade Ben Beast from Baltimore heads up.

Split Knuckle Theatre - collaborative ensemble movement story-telling group, some of the best stuff you've ever seen.

Theatre in a Van - DIY theatrics performed exclusively in, you guessed it, a van.  They literally "take it to the street!" (reader groans at the pun)

Un Saddest Factory Theatre - more crazy awesome stuff from Baltimore.  These folks have only a fakebook website so far, so that's what we've put up here.

Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company - dark comedy kung fu comic book action geek theatre from New York.

WHAM City Collective - yet more awesome stuff from Baltimore.

Wingnut Dishwashers Union - a punk rock prophet from Vermont.

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