Blunt Objects Theatre

"A punk rock song won't ever change the world; but I can tell you about a couple that changed me."

                                                    -Pat the Bunny

Did you take any photos or video of one of our shows?  Let us know, we'd love to see them!  Email us at


Thanks to everyone who came out to see the Mumming Plays in Chicago and Connecticut!

What is a Mumming Play?

 It's a medieval tradition where actors go bar-hopping and tell the very British story of St. George who fought the Turkish Knight and a dragon. We Americanized it just a bit, so now it's the story of Uncle Sam fighting the Turkish Knight.  And there is an Asian dragon that wears oversized women's sunglasses! 

So yeah, it was pretty bad-ass.

We'll have some more thoughts on that soon.


     Apocalypse Lost  tells the hilariously haunting tale of Harlequin, the hideously deformed son of a braggart Captain, and his sloppy plot to release the suburban slaves Pierrot and Columbina from the basement.

    Tensions rise as nuclear proliferation, unrequited love, rape, tomatoes, and the terrorist next door become very ridiculously intertwined - Fortunately, there should be a Deus Ex Machina to straighten everything out!

Check out our interview with The Onion A.V. Club in Milwaukee!

*Woodcut by Albrecht Dürer

Click here for our reflections on this show.


If you would like a copy of any of our scripts or our dramaturgy or any fun thing like that, please feel free to email us: 

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