Blunt Objects Theatre

Summer Time Again!

-- We are a loose collective of theatre freaks, punks and puppeteers, based simultaneously out of Hartford, Connecticut and Chicago, Illinois.  We perform in basements and parking lots, at concerts and even the occasional traditional stage.  All that theatre needs is an empty space and an audience. And we would love you to join our movement!

Details on our Annual Mumming Plays COMING SOON!

In December, Bohrs Hoff and Patrick T. Murphy will be wandering the streets of Chicago, spreading holiday cheer and touring a short play in the Medieval Christmas tradition of Mummings (It's basically barhopping with Santa).  




to everyone who came to see our summer show

"Betty Sue's Hulahoop Dance Number"

The inhabitants of a poor village try to solicit foreign aid by marketing their most valuable natural resource: hot women.

Written and Directed by

Bohrs Hoff


Thanks to everyone who came out to see 

King John!



*Matthew Lunt as Hubert, with Prince Arthur

"King John"

Written by William Shakespeare

Directed by Bohrs Hoff

A usurping king tries to maintain authority over his domineering mother, the papist French, and an underage rival - with the help of Richard the Lionheart's bastard son.


King John was performed as part of Loyola University of Chicago's Second Stage Series.  It's technically not a "Blunt Objects Show" but it was directed by one of our founding members and performed in the style of theatre that we espouse.  So it's worth mentioning here.

Check out the photos taken by Loyola's Department of Fine and Performing Arts!

And how about a review from their award winning school newspaper?  Huzzah!

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